2024 BSOS Strategic Plan


As evidenced by our history and our evolution over the last century, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences is no stranger to change. In the coming years, our world will undoubtedly encounter significant societal, economic, political, and environmental changes, and units in our college are deeply engaged in understanding these transformations and addressing their consequences.

With our wide range of disciplinary expertise and dedicated team of faculty, staff, and students, and the support of our alumni and donors, we are uniquely positioned to understand and change human behavior in pursuit of a brighter future. Through this strategic plan, our College will advance student-centered teaching and learning, produce groundbreaking research and scholarship, and continue to build inclusive partnerships to advance the behavioral and social sciences.  

We are excited to enter this next chapter and work towards a healthier, more peaceful, and more equitable future. We look forward to having all members of our community join us as we implement our new strategic plan. Together, we can Be the Solution.